Above are pictured some of the MAS posters plastered all over Sucre, Bolivia. We haven't yet been able to properly read any of the Spanish languages newspapers available here but from what we have understood it seems that the vast majority of the print and television media is hostile to the radical program of Morales' government. Of course this is hardly a surprise given that the poor majority don't tend to own too many television stations or daily newspapers. Despite the howls of 'dictatorship' from the elites fearful of losing their privileges Morales' approval rating since his election in December 2005 has hovered between 60% - 80%.
We've completed our first week of Spanish lessons and the good news is that we are improving. But as a warning to others we publish below a list of some of the fuck-ups we've made and difficulties we've been experiencing with Spanish thus far!
a) At lunch on our first day of Spanish lessons Simon was asked by the father in our host family to guess his age. Unfortunately Simon confused the words for 50 and 70. He told the father that he looked about 70 years old. Way to make a great first impression.
b) Ruth was asked by her teacher to explain what Simon did for a living. Ruth responded that 'Simon is a train ticket'.
c) Simon tried to ask the mother of the host family whether he could help out with preparing lunch. Rather than saying 'can i help you' he said 'can i press against you annoyingly'. ('Puede apujar' instead of 'Puede ayudar'). She thanked Simon but declined the offer.
d) Simon continues to order coffee for the waiters and waitresses in coffee shops instead of for himself. ('Un cafe negro parati' instead of 'parami').
hey guys, i pissed myself laughing at your little mistakes especially the one about rubbing yourself against her annoyingly LOL. How very funny:)
It is great to hear from you guys. I get excited when there is a new post.
I thought i had to open up a blog so i now have the blog auntyshashanlive!!! Not that i am going to use it:0
I have almost finished placement and my degree will be over soon, ohh what a relief!!!
be safe, keep learning spanish and please tell us more faux pa's you make they are really funny:)
love shan mwah
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