
During the dictatorship from 1976 - 83 over 30000 people were "disappeared". The Madres de Plaza de Mayo still protest every Thursday afternoon demanding that the people who stole their children be brought to justice. Recently some of the perpetrators have been brought to trial but disturbingly this has been accompanied by a resurgence of the practices of intimidation and brutality of the Dirty War. Julio Lopez a key witness in the trial of a former police chief went missing last September and has still not been found. In December another witness was kidnapped, beaten and burnt before his captors released him. Hundreds of other activists and torture survivors have received death threats in recent months. Read this article by April Howard for more info

Scary as they are, the echoes of dictatorship don´t prevent Buenos Aires from being an amazing and vibrant city and we had a fantastic time checking out the cafes, bars and galleries. Big thanks to Patrick and Franci and flatmates for putting us up in the heart of San Telmo. Tonight we head to Mendoza for more yummy wine and then down to Santiago from where we fly home. Sad the adventure is ending but looking forward to seeing everyone again and of course planning the next adventure...

"the streets are ours"

"for bread and work"

Simon´s finally agreed to take dancing lessons, here we are performing in La Boca.
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