Simon and Ruth's Letters from Afar

We are socialists from Australia who'll be travelling in Europe and South America until Feb 07. We'll be using this blog to keep family, friends, comrades and other interested parties updated on our adventures :)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Here´s a shot of the amazing and bizarre Isla de Pescados or Fish Island in the middle of the Salar de Uyuni. We were only able to spend a day on the Salar as we had to get to Sucre to start our Spanish course but here´s a link to a stack of photos that Clair & Shaun whoe we met in Uyuni and then again in Sucre took of the Salar and a stack of other places we haven´t gone either - but inspiring photos nonetheless (think you´ll have to cut & paste, if you wanna look, i can´t get the clicky link to work!:(

Mural in Santiago, Chile. A rough translation of the text ¨the struggle advances across the town¨. We saw this mural on the way to the Salvador Allende Museum on September 10, unknown to us, at the same time there was a massive rally in rememberance of the 1973 coup and its thousands of victims. Despite a new government led by Michelle Bacehlet who for a time was in Australia as a refugee from the Pinochet regime, many of those who committed atrocious crimes during the coup and the 15 year Pinochet dictatorship, remain in positions of power in Chile. We saw some grafitti which asked ¨how can we have democracy when we have a constitution from the Pinochet dictatorship?¨. As well as a struggle for recognition and remembrance of past crimes, in our short stay in Chile we also saw two demonstrations for better pay and conditions - one by hospital workers, and another which we couldn´t really understand but seemed to be about social welfare being denied to sacked workers. Now we´re in Bolivia, it´s clear that the struggle is advancing not only across the town but across the continent.

Some artworks in the Salvador Allende Museum, Santiago, Chile. The Salvador Allende Museum is housed in the former headquarters of the secret police, where thousands were killed and tortured. The collection itself contains artworks donated from around the world. The collection was begun by Allende as an effort to build a collection of international modern art that was truly the property of the Chilean masses. The collection was hidden throughout the dictatorship and now contains a range of art some commenting directly on the coup and the US´s role in it.

For an eyewitness account of the Pinochet coup by British writer Mike Gatehouse clickhere

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Above are pictured some of the MAS posters plastered all over Sucre, Bolivia. We haven't yet been able to properly read any of the Spanish languages newspapers available here but from what we have understood it seems that the vast majority of the print and television media is hostile to the radical program of Morales' government. Of course this is hardly a surprise given that the poor majority don't tend to own too many television stations or daily newspapers. Despite the howls of 'dictatorship' from the elites fearful of losing their privileges Morales' approval rating since his election in December 2005 has hovered between 60% - 80%.

We've completed our first week of Spanish lessons and the good news is that we are improving. But as a warning to others we publish below a list of some of the fuck-ups we've made and difficulties we've been experiencing with Spanish thus far!

a) At lunch on our first day of Spanish lessons Simon was asked by the father in our host family to guess his age. Unfortunately Simon confused the words for 50 and 70. He told the father that he looked about 70 years old. Way to make a great first impression.

b) Ruth was asked by her teacher to explain what Simon did for a living. Ruth responded that 'Simon is a train ticket'.

c) Simon tried to ask the mother of the host family whether he could help out with preparing lunch. Rather than saying 'can i help you' he said 'can i press against you annoyingly'. ('Puede apujar' instead of 'Puede ayudar'). She thanked Simon but declined the offer.

d) Simon continues to order coffee for the waiters and waitresses in coffee shops instead of for himself. ('Un cafe negro parati' instead of 'parami').

Some small and some big indications of change in Bolivia

Graffiti like this is common on the walls of the Bolivian town of Uyuni - a dry, barren, otherworldly place of 15,000 people situated 3,600 metres above sea level. Uyuni is an extremely popular destination for tourists as it is the main access point for tours of the incomparable 'Salar de Uyuni' (salt flats). The overwhelming majority of the town are Bolivian indigenous peoples. We don't know much about the politics of 'POR' but the fact that there are revolutionary slogans written of the walls of this relatively isolated place indicates that a growing enthusiasm for fundamental social change among the people of Bolivia.

On the other hand is has been impossible to miss (even for people who speak Spanish as poorly as us!) the protests, strikes and blockades that have gripped Bolivia over the past few days. The bloqueras led by the radical campesinos appear to have been quite a successful demonstration of strength in response to the abortive strike called over week ago by conservative, old-elite interests who have their largest base of support in the eastern city of Santa Cruz.

Another unmistakable example of Bolivia's political direction was present in the speech Bolivian president Evo Morales gave to the United Nations General Assembly mid week. Morales' full speech can be accessed at In the speech Morales explained that Bolivia is just at the beginning of a process of refounding the nation based on the principles of social justice, inclusion of the oppressed indigenous majority, and public ownership of the nation's natural resources. He also strongly defended the right of indigenous Bolivian farmers to continue growing coca leaf as part of Bolivias cultural heritage. He had smuggled a coca leaf into the UN headquarters in Washington (defying ridiculous US laws outlawing it as a narcotic) and whipped it out during his address declaring that 'this is not a drug' but an important part of indigenous culture.

On the other hand the contradictions and weaknesses in Bolivias revolutionary process are also becoming clearer to us. The Bolivia Rising site contains a number of articles regarding the recent resignation of the Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Soliz Rada, which was partly in protest against the more conservative wing of the government who are dragging their feet in carrying out the popular policy of re-nationalising Bolvia's huge natural gas reserves. Another article in the most recent Green Left Weekly by Pablo Stefanoni anaylses some of the growing internal fractures between the more radical “confrontation” and more reformist “negotiation” lines within Morales’s party, the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS). This extremely interesting article can be accessed at:

The two blocs within MAS

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Letter from Sucre

For the next four weeks we will be staying in the Bolivian capital, Sucre, where we are taking a spanish language course. Espanol es muy dificil and is a daily struggle. But we are both improving after only a few days of classes (Ruth perhaps slightly more than Simon!).

But another kind of struggle on an admittedly far grander, social scale is occuring in Bolivia at the moment. The country is in the midst of a national revolution that is bringing the country's working people and centuries oppressed indigenous majority to the forefront of political life. We hope to be able to write some articles and impressions of this emerging revolution in the coming weeks. But until our spanish improves a little bit we'll be forced to rely on English language newsreports to work out what is going on. The best site we've encountered analysing the revolutionary process in Bolivia can be viewed at This is a relatively new site but is growing fast and is updated very regularly. Green Left Weekly is also useful source of Bolivia information with new articles about Bolivia uploaded weekly. Other english language sites include (not very much info up there at the moment) and the links to Zmag, UpsideDownWorld and The Democracy Centre which can be found at the Bolivia Rising website.

Today in Bolivia indigenous activists have enforced a total blockade of the cities of Cochabamba and Santa Cruz (the country's second and third largest cities). Their protest is an immense countermobilisation in response to a 'strike' last week led by conversative forces in an attempt to derail the radical constitutuent assembly process. Meanwhile a major miners strike is underway near La Paz, while a bus strike has also affected the whole country.

Below is an article from the cochabamba based Democracy Centre covering the first nine months of Bolivias revolution. while the article has some faults it gives a good summary of the major poltical trends and events since the popular movement kicked out the unpopular pro capitalist Mesa goverment up until today.

more articles and photos to come.


It really was a dramatic and hopeful beginning that cold January weekend when Evo Morales took over the presidency of Bolivia. Standing atop 1000-year-old pre-Inca ruins at Tiahuanaco, Morales received a blessing of his powers from leaders of the indigenous communities of Bolivia's highlands, in a ceremony that hadn't been held in 500 years. His formal inauguration in the Bolivian Congress drew nearly a dozen heads of state, from Chile to Slovenia. Knock-off copies of the new president's red and blue horizontal striped sweater sold briskly on the internet. His picture graced page one of the Washington Post. "Evo Mania" took Bolivia and the world by storm.

In the months since, Bolivia has developed a whole new tourism industry of filmmakers, journalists, academics, and revolution-seekers who want to see close-up what they think is some new form of democracy by the people taking shape in the Andes. If they look close, and with their eyes wide open, they can see a new government that really does inspire great hope among people long-marginalized by both politics and economics. They can also get a really good lesson in how hard it is to convert the romance of hope into the far less romantic task of governing a nation.

On May 1 Evo Morales stepped out onto the balcony of the Presidential Palace in La Paz, just across the street from where one of his predecessors had been hung to death from a lamppost sixty years before. Before a massive crowd cheering from below, Morales announced a presidential decree "nationalizing" the vast oil and gas reserves that had been privatized into the hands of corporations like Enron a decade before. "For more than 500 years, our resources have been pillaged," Morales declared. "This has to end now." Then, in a grand gesture that was pure domestic political photo-op, Morales sent Bolivian troops to the nation's oil fields to "protect" them.

Even though the soldiers left soon after CNN's cameras did, and even though the decree itself was far more moderate than many expected, many in the foreign press had a field day. Bolivia had "seized" foreign assets, wrote major news outlets. Foreign analysts declared that Morales had "been conned by Castro and Chavez" and predicted that foreign investors would flee the nation.

In fact, Morales' decree was far from a classic "nationalization". As a taxi driver in my neighborhood, Enrique, noted to me afterwards, "It's not nationalization. If it were, then the companies wouldn’t still be operating here. But that's okay. We need to negotiate with them. If we just kick them out they'll sue us."

The new plan did three basic things: it declared the government's intent to buy back a majority controlling stake in the companies given away by Morales' predecessors; it began a process of renegotiating the country's contracts with foreign oil firms; and it increased steeply the taxes foreign oil companies would pay. Economic Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz flew to Bolivia to endorse the plan, calling it, "a matter of fairness."

Five months later, however, the gas plan is in trouble. On the one hand, public support for the decree remains high and, just last week, the national treasury collected a check for more than $32 million from a French oil firm as part of the new tax scheme. On the other hand, the government recently announced that, because of a lack of funds, it will have to slowdown its takeover plans by the newly constituted public gas company. And the head of that company, along with the national gas minister – the country's two most important gas officials – have both resigned in the face of charges of incompetence and scandal.

Herein lie two of the biggest challenges faced by the new government; cash and competence.
Bolivia's hopes rely on promises, most of them concerning money – promises to boost education, create employment, and get the nation's poor the basics, like clean water. Generating the funds to reduce the nation's poverty is exactly what getting a fair share of gas profits is about, but the lag time is substantial.

So is the gap between what the new government hopes to do and its actual capacity to do so. In January I attended a meeting of senior officials trying to put together a negotiating team to deal with foreign trade agreements. The government had two options, neither of them good – rely on a well-educated elite with "free trade will solve everything" politics or a new guard dedicated to fairer agreements but with little background on the issues.

To be clear, there are many excellent and competent people in the new government, but they are stretched to the limit. I had lunch with a friend of mine last week who helps lead the new Water Ministry and he looked like he'd aged five years since January. Governing, it turns out, requires a far different set of skills than organizing a social movement and Morales and his teams are struggling to make the transition.

On July 2 Bolivians went to the polls in yet another historic vote, this one to elect delegates to a national Constituent Assembly to rewrite the country's constitution. And once again Morales and his Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) party won big – a vote of more than 55%, twice that of his nearest rival. But as that Assembly starts to convene, battles over how it should function have driven the deep divides in Bolivian politics out in the open. Two weeks ago the Morales government faced the kind of massive protests he used to help organize against his predecessors.

On September 8 civic groups in four of Bolivia's nine states staged a one-day general strike and road blockade. Their rallying cry was that Morales and MAS were seeking to use the Assembly to run roughshod over their opponents. Central to that cry was a procedural matter. While MAS agreed that final approval of the new constitution would require a 2/3 vote of the Assembly (one that would require approval from at least some of their opponents), the party declared that decisions along the way could be settled by a simple majority (i.e. by Morales backers on their own).

That half the nation would shut down over a procedural numbers game is a measure of just how much is at stake. Potentially everything from land reform to a more radical form of gas nationalization could end up on the table, and the interests involved know it.

Morales' domestic and foreign opponents have cast dire warnings that the new president is steering the nation to civil conflict. But is that what is really happening here?
At issue in Bolivia today is not just about what economic or political course the nation should take. At issue is what this moment means in the broad sweep of the nation's history. The Bolivian elite, which has held power here for decades, sees the Morales presidency as just someone else getting their turn – "Okay, now five years for you. Go ahead and make some changes, but not any big ones."

Morales and his backers see things quite differently. They see this moment as the equivalent of Nelson Mandela and the ANC taking over the reins in South Africa in 1994 – a new constitution, a new weave of power, a new nation.

They may well succeed in creating one but, as in South Africa, the job will be much harder than they anticipated. They will end up compromising more than they imagined. They will struggle with the day to day challenges of governing far more than they dreamed. They will need as much humility and self-reflection as they have had global attention. Negotiations, be it with foreign investors or domestic opponents, will be part of the deal.

At Tiahuanaco, on the eve of his inauguration Morales told his countrymen, "We are human, we will make mistakes, but when we do, refocus us, guide us for we will never betray our country." With public support that still registers at more than 60%, Morales retains huge backing from his people. How he uses that support in the months ahead will determine whether he can turn his presidency into the instrument of hope Bolivians want it to be.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

In the foreground is a shot of Chile's Atacama desert - the driest place on the earth. Some parts of the Atacama have never had rainfall since records began. In the background are the snow covered peaks of the Andes.

Simon relaxing with a book in Santiago.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Hola from Santiago, Chile!

Yes we´ve arrived in a new continent after some excellent adventures in Spain. We visited Barcelona, Valencia, Granada, Seville and Madrid. Ruth also went to Los Alpujarras, Tarifa and Cordoba. We soaked up the beautiful buildings (including the amazing Moorish castles the Alhambra and the Alcazar), wandered the galleries and ate too much tapas in Granada where its FREE!

Although a lack of langauge prevented us from really getting an idea of Spanish politics one thing that was immediately obvious was the racism against African immigrants. As out bus went over the French border into Spain border guards got on to check our passports. They ended up hauling off an African guy who presumably didn´t have a passport. This would have been bad enough but in full view of the bus the border guards hit this guy round the back of the head and then started shoving him towards their office. The bus sped off and left him there to face who only knows what subsequent abuse and then probably to be sent to a detention centre and possible back to Mauritania or Senegal, where the majority of African immigrants to Spain are orginally from. The GDP per person in Mauritania and Senegal is about $1500 / year compared with Spain´s rate of $24 325. Spain however is, like all western countries, introducing increasingly strict border control. The Spanish police have a reputation for racism see the following articles

Tonight we start our trip north to Bolivia where we´ll finally get some Spanish language skills and therefore be better able to report on the exciting developments in that country.

Also we´ve got a new camera (the last one was stolen in Barcelona) so more photos will be going up soon :)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

just a quick posting to reply to shannon (or anyone else who wants to send us direct email) - ruth´s email is and simon´s is

if any of you would like a postcard from us email us your snail mail addresses.